Seeing as how we’re a solid 13 years in, the time seems ripe for me to join the rest of the 21st century.
I was thinking about this ole blog the other day and considered that my ADD writing style might engender reader frustration. One day I feel like writing about a nearby day trip… the next, Part One of an epic adventure… then it’s three years ago, in Italy.
Focus, girl, focus.
I’m understandably exhausting and yet… I really don’t want to trudge through posts chronologically. That makes too much sense. And Mr. M will be the first to tell you: trying to get me to do something I don’t want to do is like trying to dress up a feral cat for Halloween.

But I may have uncovered a 21st century solution… Twitter!
The Amish & I have been giving The Witchcraft That Is Twitter a wide berth for quite some time now.

But I’m beginning to think modern technology is just trying to help. I can’t speak for the Amish.
Let’s think this through. Benefits of Twitter:
*It’ll provide logical, chronological continuity while letting me dart all over time & creation in the blog. Voila! Just like that your surly, one-eyed barn cat is wearing a bumblebee costume.
*It’ll help when I don’t have time for a meaty post. I love the blog format, but deconstructing one day at a time means I either have to compose a whole post or throw in an awkward footnote about current goings on or upcoming trips.

*It’ll force me to contain my thoughts to 140 characters. 20th Century Me would have considered 140 characters to be a literary fart. Brevity is my white whale. (The irony of this Tolstoy-length post on Tweeting is not lost on me, friends.)
*My mini-adventures won’t be treated like ugly stepchildren. It may not be ice-climbing in Patagonia, but the day I took Charlie Mae the Wonderpup to agility class still counts as a day well-lived. (Spoiler alert: Charlie should keep her day job of just being cute. She sucks at being agile.)
*Twitter, like its cousin instagram… and the whole Technology family, really… scares me. And this is really the only reason I need. Fear- and getting dirty, if you’re keeping a list- is always a good sign I’m doing something right.
If you crave continuity, or want snippety ideas on making the most of your own days, or just want to snicker at me for not understanding what ‘retweeting’ does or what magic a hashtag conjures… feel free to follow along: @SpendYourDays
There’s also a handy Twitterfeed down at the very bottom of every page.
Thirteen years later, I shall make 21st century technology my bitch.
Leave me your username in the comments below, so that I can follow along with you, too!
Welcome to the future! I've been trying to actively use my twitter more, but I keep forgetting about it. Oops!
Thank you! I haven't blown up my computer so far, so the twitter-filled future is officially going well. :)
I am a twitterer from before the days of Facebook, I think... I will gladly follow along! Oh, and, ooh, Jamaica! I can't wait to read about it. :-)
You're a twittering pro! I just followed you, too, so I can learn a thing or two. ;) Jamaica posts are on the way, I promise!