Lately I seem to be encountering a rash of people eager to hear how happy I am to have “escaped” New York City. Aren’t you glad to be out? You can’t miss anything about New York… right? I worry I may have been a bit overdramatic in airing my frustrations with the city. Honestly, these […]
Time to Fly: Trapeze Arts Oakland
I am terrified- TER.RI.FIED- of heights. I’ve had panic attacks while stuck in traffic on elevated freeway overpasses. On any given suspension bridge there’s an 80% chance you will find me crying and scooting my way across in a pitiful army crawl. Hell, I scream when other people get too close to the edge. (Why?! Why […]
Learning in Las Vegas
People seem drawn to Las Vegas in the name of craziness: bachelor parties, girls’ weekends, even… divorce parties. (?? This was a new, slightly confusing one that I saw mentioned in an airline magazine: “Celebrate your divorce in Vegas!”) My reason for heading to Sin City every February? I go for the love of the […]
2013: The Retrospective
Hi y’alls, and Happy New Year! Yeah… I’m fashionably late for 2014. I was all excited to regale you with One Thousand and One Nights-style tales from Morocco, but my anal-retentiveness refused to let me post anything for 2014 without formally wrapping up last year’s adventures. Mine is a militant and unforgiving super-ego. So I hit […]
2013 Holiday Travel Gift Guide!
With Thanksgiving fast receding in the rear view mirror, it’s time to start making your lists and checking them twice! Holiday-loving little elf that I am, I assembled a few ideas for the adventuring-types on your Nice List. If I can keep just one Pandora charm bracelet off the streets (shudder)… then my job here […]
Giving Thanks, The Extended Remix
Day # 11, 544: Happy Thanksgivnukkah, y’all! I trust you are either elbow-deep in a turkey’s innards (or a jiggly tofurkey, if you’re an herbivore like me) or pulling out your menorah and frying up some sweet potato latkes. Or both! In between all that holiday prepping, I hope you have a moment or two […]
The Fair is a Veritable Smorgasbord
I am a staunch supporter of county fairs. Although seeing how the ‘funnel cake + newborn farm animals + ferris wheel’ combo is a first place prize-winner, this may be akin to saying that I am a staunch supporter of puppies and world peace. When you hate on the fair, the terrorists win. In all […]
Love at the Port San Luis Lighthouse
Unique wedding locations are the cherry on top of a joyous occasion sundae. When my good friend Ev discovered her soulmate, I had an inkling that the wedding was going to be a one-of-a-kind. After all, her new Mr. just so happens to be a musician in one of my favorite bands. (I will admit […]
Take ’em Downtown, Boys
It’s been about a month and a half since Mr. M, Charlie Mae the Wonderpup & I made the move from east to west coast, and I’m already the picture of laidback Californian, slacking off on my blog posting and rocking a shamefully dramatic flip flop tan. But wait. Seeing as how it’s been a […]
I’m Goin’ Goin’ Back Back to Cali Cali
I have been busting at the seams with my little secret, and I finally get to spill. Mr. M & Charlie Mae & I are moving back to California!! Our move to sunshine & flippie-floppies became officially official today when we closed escrow on our very first house! People tell me that this makes us […]