Seeing as how we’re a solid 13 years in, the time seems ripe for me to join the rest of the 21st century. I was thinking about this ole blog the other day and considered that my ADD writing style might engender reader frustration. One day I feel like writing about a nearby day trip… […]
You Can’t Go Home Again… Or Can You?
**I just bought a ticket back to California to visit with friends & family (yay!) and thought it was time for another post on the places I consider to be my ‘hometowns.’ Consider it an impromptu and slightly disorganized mini-series. ;) ** ‘Home’ is such a loaded word. It has at once vague and incredibly specific […]
An Ode to Mr. M: Valentinesversary 15.0
Day #11,260: As of today, Mr. M and I have been partners-in-crime for 15 years and exactly half of our lives. Well, technically as of yesterday… but a day-before-Valentine’s-Day anniversary is both redundant and expensive, so we long ago decided to create the franken-holiday known as “Valentinesversary.” Our first date was almost our last. I […]
2012: The Retrospective
For all my bravado about leading a wild & unbridled life, I am a girl who craves order and resolution. Which is precisely why I’ve been enticed into this mesmerizing My 2012 in Pictures Trend that was (key word: was) circulating. I know… I’m so late to the party. Bringing-appetizers-to-the-party-after-guests-have-either-left-or-passed-out-on-the-lawn Late. But I just can’t […]
A Walk on the Wild Side
As you may or may not know, I’m technically a veterinarian. Growing up- in densely suburban Southern California, I might add- Sister S and I (you remember her!) shared our very small home with raccoons, squirrels, opossums, ferrets, chickens, and even a tarantula. We were that house. The one the neighbors all hated cuz it […]
Feeling at Home in the City by the Bay
Heading back to California to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family has me thinking about the concept of home. Sure, NYC is my home for now… as a temporary New Yorker, I have taken to wearing a lot of black and can surf the subways like a pro. But having grown up in Southern California, I can’t […]
Who… Me? A Travel Writer?
Frankly, y’all, I’m a little confused by this burgeoning side career, too. But exciting things have transpired, and I kinda want to share! A few months ago, I started moonlighting as an itinerary writer at, concocting ridiculously detailed itineraries for similarly OCD travelers visiting New York City. I really love writing for the website […]
Lights Out in Lower Manhattan
As everyone who hasn’t been living under a rock already knows, Frankenstorm hit the east coast like a bat out of hell on Monday night. The best description I’ve seen of Manhattan, post-Sandy, is that it’s now a city divided between darkness and light… above Times Square it’s easy to imagine everything is completely back […]
A Far Out Family Affair
One of the many, many advantages of being with Mr. M since we were both fifteen is that I’ve not only grown up with him, but I’ve grown up with his family, as well. While they were alive, his grandparents were like my grandparents; when I was taking a summer school class nearby, I visited […]
Touristing In Our Own Backyard: The Maiden Voyage
Sometime last year I read an article about how the last place people think to explore is their very own backyard. Well, not their actual backyard… their neighborhood, which is lucky for me because sadly, I don’t have a backyard. It’s somehow been scientifically proven that people take their hometown for granted. Until forced with […]