One of my very most favorite places in New York exists thirty feet above the city. Beginning in 1847, an actual railway ran down the very busy 10th Avenue on the west side of Manhattan. Like seriously down the middle of the street. A freight train. When the train started colliding with pedestrians & their […]
The City of Brotherly Love, Part Two: Free to Stroll
Saturday was filled with colonial history and Philly cheesesteaks, but Sunday… Sundays are made to be indulgent. Forgiving of obligation. (Even when said obligation is touristing through Philadelphia. Yes, it’s hard work. Don’t judge.) Day #11,300: Indulgence is defined by brunch, and that seemed like a damn fine place to start. After finding our first […]
The City of Brotherly Love, Part One: The Size of Liberty
We’d visited Philadelphia once before- almost ten years ago when Mr. M & I went on a we-just-graduated-college roadtrip from Connecticut back home to LA. My Operation: Roadtrip scrapbook confirms that our principal impression of Philly, circa 2004, was: “The Liberty Bell is a whole lot smaller than you’d imagine it to be.” Mr. M determined […]
The Berkshires By Any Other Name…
The Northeast has a certain high-falutin’ way of naming its suburban wilds that somehow elevates them to the level of Inaccessible. For months I imagined that The Poconos (did I dare breathe its hallowed name?) was an enchanted playground for the rich & famous… not the birthplace of the in-room champagne hot tub. Similarly, I […]
Snow Day in Central Park
Mr. M, Charlie, & I woke up this Friday morning to thick, fluffy snow swirling round outside our bedroom window. Mr. M, with his sizeable commute and morning errands, was a bit annoyed. Charlie Mae- upon setting one paw in an icy puddle on our stoop and immediately putting her gears in reverse- was horrified […]
You Can’t Go Home Again… Or Can You?
**I just bought a ticket back to California to visit with friends & family (yay!) and thought it was time for another post on the places I consider to be my ‘hometowns.’ Consider it an impromptu and slightly disorganized mini-series. ;) ** ‘Home’ is such a loaded word. It has at once vague and incredibly specific […]
Learning to Love Art
I wish I liked art museums. Art-Loving Me would sip martinis and engage in witty banter about Jackson Pollock. Art-Loving Me would skip into the MOMA in ballet flats with a sketchbook under my arm (“for inspiration, darling!”). Marc Jacobs would likely make Art-Loving Me his muse. But- like pickles and Mad Men and pilates- […]
It’s Pronounced Chaaahleston
East Coast weather has been… inhumane, as of late. It’s a Well-Known Fact that single-digit temperatures are obscene, and negative temps are like trying to divide a number by zero: it makes everyone upset & confused and causes The Universe to collapse in on itself. Obsessive airfare-deal-hunting (I have my Black Belt) yielded a weekend […]
Christmas with the Grand Ole Opry
Like Disneyland and Central Park and anywhere blanketed in snow, there are a few places that simply radiate magic around the holidays. Lo and behold- Nashville is one of them! Day #10,479: Truth be told, the first stop on our road trip from Memphis did not begin quite so magically. Let it be known that […]
A Long Autumn Walk to Brooklyn
Not long ago, Mr. M remarked on how we’ve never actually walked the entire Brooklyn Bridge. This fact is revolting because (1) we’re trying to tourist our way through NYC while living here, (2) we have a ridiculous number of west coast guests come to stay with us who should’ve already dragged us with them […]