One of the many, many advantages of being with Mr. M since we were both fifteen is that I’ve not only grown up with him, but I’ve grown up with his family, as well.
While they were alive, his grandparents were like my grandparents; when I was taking a summer school class nearby, I visited them twice a week and would sit at the kitchen table listening to Grandpa’s stories while Grandma fed me fresh-squeezed lemonade & chocolate chip cookies. My own grandma and Mr. M’s mom have been quite good friends for many years and get together all the time. (This used to freak me out when I was a teenager and thought I needed to set some boundaries… now I realize it’s the best thing ever.) In fact, I call Mr. M’s mom “Mama Betty” because she’s been in my life supporting me, worrying about me, and checking up on me for half my life.
In my mind, there is no delineation between my family and his because they’re one and the same.
When Mama Betty turned 65 last year, we three (me, Mr. M, and brother-in-law B) knew that she was due for a Big Time Celebration. She’s always so giving of herself that we wanted to do something just for her.
Mama Betty was definitely a child of the sixties, and her high school yearbook can back me up on this one.

Because parties are more fun with a theme, we decided the party should be a Groovy, Sixties Extravaganza.

Day #10,592: We had rented a huge room at a civic center in Southern California and spent much of the morning and afternoon getting it all set up.

I’d ordered a bunch of temporary tattoos and peace sign necklaces from Oriental Trading Company so that people could supplement their 1960’s threads.
Although Oriental Trading Company seems to rival the FBI in its tracking capabilities and somehow followed me across the country in order to inundate me with craptastic party supply catalogues, they did create this fairly awesome banner.

We had some sixties-era games (I think?) out in the corner. To be honest, I think we may have overestimated the physical capabilities of our target audience with some of them.

We also had a station where people could write their favorite “Betty Memories” into something of a birthday scrapbook.
I was so SO excited to see that there were very few party poopers in the crowd- nearly everyone came decked out as flower children, surfer dudes, or hippie chicks.

I opted to go more Mad Men mod, mostly so I had an excuse to buy a vintage dress I’d been eyeing down in the Haight-Ashbury area of San Francisco. Mr. M and brother B went a little more… whole hog. I’m gonna hazard a guess that brother B hasn’t had opportunity to bust out his afro since that night.

I’d even managed to find a DJ who agreed to MC the event in full Austin Powers costume.

Because we’re one big family affair, sister S was there, having taken full advantage of the temp tattoos…

… and so were two of my aunts and my adorable grandma.

Although she claims not to want to dance in public, Mama Betty can really cut a rug. I’ve seen the woman at Oldies Disco Night on an Alaskan family cruise we took a few years back, and girlfriend can bust a move with the best of em.

I had just JUST purchased my first SLR camera and seriously had no idea what I was doing… especially in the low-level light of the party. I ended up getting unexpectedly psychedelic shots that fit our far out sixties theme to a tee!

By the end of the night, Mama Betty was partied out, danced out, and thoroughly celebrated.
Just as she deserved to be. Love you, Mama Betty!
Theme perfect pics!
Thanks! Not knowing how to work my camera paid off for the psychedelic 60's theme. :)
They say that if you remember the '60s you didn't really live it. So, everything looks pretty authentic but I can't be sure...oh wow...
This made me laugh! I'm glad it at least sort of matches with the pieces you remember... :)
Wow they look like a fun family! Lucky you and how sweet that you have been together since you were 15! - Nicole
I love Mr. M's family. I definitely got lucky in the 'in-laws' department! :)