Looks like it’s about that time.
The time to say ‘so long’ to my 20’s and ‘hello’ to a brand new decade of life.
I’ll admit I had my concerns about an impending Thrisis (for the uninitiated, the Turning Thirty Crisis) which often plays out as 1) ‘finding’ imaginary wrinkles and grey hairs that somehow didn’t exist when one was still 29… aka the day before; 2) spending one’s bday locked in one’s bathroom playing if-we-don’t-acknowledge-it-this-never happened; or 3) pulling a Joey from Friends, shouting “Why, God, why?! We had a deal!! Let the others grow old. Not me.”

Happily, my thirtieth came without a trace of Thrisis. Possibly because most of my friends have already jumped the great divide between decades, I knew that what waited on the other side was at least as good as what lay behind.
When my first close friend hit the big 3-0, I wasn’t entirely sure what kind of gift could appropriately mark such a momentous occasion. The usual birthday fodder didn’t seem to apply. Then, while browsing through our local bookstore, I happened upon a precious blue book with silvery tinted pages and a luxurious peach ribbon bookmark.
A five year, line-a-day journal. Each page is headed with the date (say, May 30th), and below are five boxes in which to fill in today’s year and space to write whatever thoughts come to mind…. how you spent your day, or what you spent your time thinking about, or maybe even just what you wore. At the end of five years, you have all these snippets of your life bound up in a little blue book.
Now whenever one of my friends turns thirty, they know what they’ll be receiving… and on April 9th, 2012 I finally got my own personal copy with which to start capturing snapshots of life beyond the divide.
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[…] long ago, I realized that I was fast approaching the ripe old age of 30… which in my world equated to the Universe handing me a ready-made excuse to create some fun. […]
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[…] of my dearest friends Ms. Dani recently bridged The Great Divide and celebrated her 30th birthday. Because she has brought so much awesomeness to my life, I […]
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[…] I realized that I was fast approaching the ripe old age of 30, I also realized that the Universe was handing me a ready-made excuse to create some […]