Frankly, y’all, I’m a little confused by this burgeoning side career, too. But exciting things have transpired, and I kinda want to share!
A few months ago, I started moonlighting as an itinerary writer at, concocting ridiculously detailed itineraries for similarly OCD travelers visiting New York City.

I really love writing for the website mostly because I love the idea of helping travelers escape tour groups. I’m convinced that I’m allergic to tour groups… I get antsy & impatient and always feel like I’m missing out on the real essence of a place.
So I wrote up a 2-Day First-Timers Guide to Manhattan and a Lower East Side Neighborhood Tour, and thought I’d mention them in case you’re headed to NYC in the near future! I’m thinking of writing a “Holiday Season in New York City,” too… perhaps something about maintaining your jolly amidst the masses that flock to Manhattan in December… :)
Because I’ve already launched into shameless, shameless self-promotion, I’m just gonna come out and announce that the Unanchor website recently did a feature article on me, too! Woo hoo and happy dance!
So check it out if you like… or don’t, and we’ll pretend this whole awkward encounter never happened. ;)
Awesome. I planned to go to NYC during my birthday in July this year but plans changed. I'm kind of glad though, because I've never been and I hadn't saved up enough money and I knew I'd waste the very few days i'd be there wandering around without really seeing much. I will definitely use this next year! Thanks bunches.
Moon, what a fun birthday trip for next July! I probably shouldn't say this... as a newly christened itinerary writer... but I think wandering around is one of the best ways to actually see a city! You end up finding all these little treasures you otherwise might have blazed past. So itinerary or no, I know you'll have a *wonderful* time! :)
Thanks. I planned it for this yr, so i will do it next. Unfortunately i can only do a wknd... which is why i made the comment about wandering... but I will try the itinerary... maybe... maybe not! haha, too soon to tell :-p
You're Famous! I'm definitely going to use your itineraries next time I go to NYC. We always just end up aimlessly wondering, just checking things out.
Ha! The word "famous" definitely needs some major quotation marks around it! Maybe 'shameless self-promoter' is a little more apt. :) In any case, this self-promoter thinks there's definitely something to be said for aimless wandering! Especially in NYC... you can wander and find new things every time.
I think I'm allergic to tour groups as well.
It seems to be a very common affliction among us travelers... ;)
I will definitely go with one of your itineraries on the hoped for trip to New York I would one day like to go on. I am always ready to book my tickets after reading about your awesome travels around the world! ;-)
Thank you! I love the idea of spreading wanderlust. :)