No matter the place or purpose, string lights invariably make me think of the holidays.

My very favorite holiday lights were discovered in a Christmas market on an extra-long layover in London last Christmas.
Cities across Western Europe are rife with Christmas markets like Winter Wonderland. They’re a festive alternative to the drudgery of mall shopping… a place to buy artisan gifts, to take the kids ice-skating (or yourself- no age limit on fun), to hear Christmas carols, and to stuff yourself with German food and deep-fried fair treats.
They’re sort of an entrancing combination of etsy craft fair, farmer’s market, and amusement park… all sprinkled with holiday magic.
Sign me up.

While Europe has cornered the (Christmas) market on Christmas markets, I know of at least a few here in the U.S.
Union Square and Columbus Circle in New York City both had thriving (read: perpetually packed and a little claustrophobia-inducing) Holiday Markets set up every December.
Although I’ve yet to visit The Windy City, I’ve heard Chicago hosts a traditionally German Christmas market with all the wursts you could want.
DC has one right next to the Smithsonian, and Philly has their Christmas market in LOVE Park.

While not all Christmas markets are as “lit up” as Winter Wonderland, they all serve as bright spots in their cities and in the winter season itself.

Kind of like lights strung up in the dark of night.
If you feel like sharing a window into your own experiences, I’d love to see it!
Your mission, should you choose to accept:
Show me what ‘holiday lights’ mean to you… a photo of the most brilliantly lit up Christmas lights in your neighborhood, an artsy close-up of menorah candles burning, or a city skyline all lit up at night!
Just tag your post with “Window Into,” and post a link in the comments section so I can find you. I can’t wait to see your lights!
Yeah...I can't wait to take some pictures and share them...providing they turn out of course...I think we are going to do some Christmas light looking tonight! Can't wait! I'll post some pics tomorrow. Have a good day!
Yay!! I hope your family is having a wonderful time checking out the Christmas lights. (And that it's not TOO too cold for you out there! Or- at the very least- that you're well-bundled and equipped with plenty of hot chocolate.) I can't wait to see pictures of your favorite light displays!
Well the light tour didn't really happen....maybe on Christmas eve...its supposed to be warmer. But I took some fun pics of Abi and our tree this morning...have a good head out on another big adventure soon...all ready?
Oh, I do hope you were able to enjoy the light tour on Christmas Eve! It sounded like such a fun activity. I'm so impressed with how that picture of Abi in front of the tree turned out! So artsy and beautiful! Yes, you're so sweet to remember! I'm actually writing this while in the airport en route to Spain! It was a bit of a crunch prepping for Christmas and the trip, but I'm so excited! I hope your Christmas was wonderful!
We had a great Christmas. light tour though. It just didn't work out this year. Next year for sure. Thanks...I really liken it too. It was fun to try it out. Have a great trip. ..I can't wait to read abiut it! Happy New Year as well!