Day #10,356:
Dear Rome,
I really wanted to like you.

You’re Rome, for goodness sake. The Eternal City! The seat of the Roman Empire! And you know how I have a soft spot for historical splendor.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to make of you at first.
You came on a little strong. The honking, the catcalling, the stifling heat. Just… gimme some space to breathe, will you?
I almost washed my hands of you the first day we met. But you wouldn’t let me give up so quickly.

You were persistent. You kept sending little gifts my way.

That’s when I started to like you.
Just a little.
You are kinda charming… and that confidence is enviable.

And you’re just so darn fascinating, Rome.

Plus, you’re easy on the eyes.

But arrrgggh, as soon as I’d start to fall for you, I’d remember why I found you so exasperating.
I’ll just come out and say it- you’re inefficient. (Passionate, but inefficient.) You’re too aggressive. Always up in my face! It was such a relief to get back to the hotel, out of the madness!

I remember feeling a little relieved to catch the train that would take me away from you.
It was two weeks later, and I had to see you on my way out of the country. I remember taking the train in from Venice and realizing that I’d be seeing you again, and instead of the dread I would’ve expected, I was excited.
And I realized… I sorta, kinda, REALLY… loved you.

Infuriatingly intoxicating.
But weren’t you the one who first told me love was irrational?
To Rome…
With love,

Explore my next day’s adventure in Vatican City, uncovering the world’s most blasphemous souvenir!
Reblogged this on Making it Through The Day .
Thanks, Marissa! :)
You're so lucky! you're in Italy, my favorite country in the world! I've only been to Italy once, and it's been an ongoing love affair with this boot-shaped country. I have big dreams to eventually live there one day; big big dreams. so hopefully they will come true, and I can go back and say "buon giorno" to those charming Italian men and feast on pasta and pizza and gelato!
It seems only right that a foodie like you would have an ongoing love affair with Italy! :) I was very thankful for flowy dresses while in Italy... plenty of room for my happy belly to expand! I do hope that your big dreams to become a Singaporean-Italian come true, Felicia! One move at a time, I suppose. ;)
Rome! !! It is on my bucket list of places to see. It's going to sound cheesy, but ever since the movie Gladiator I have wanted to see the Colossiem in person. Also, it has always amazed me that buildings built back then are still standing. Falling apart true, but still standing. Houses today wouldn't last that long...I found a trip (I might have the page from the travel guide somewhere =packrat) that was 14 days by train from Rome to Venice...stopping in Florence along the way...yep, bucket list. Thanks for sharing this...its renewed my desire to get there!
That's not cheesy at all, Jenn! Seemingly random things can inspire very big, very real dreams! :) I was amazed by Rome's endurance, too... how we're still able to WALK on the Colosseum floors some 1,900 years later, I have no idea. It's amazing. A 14-day train trip through Italy sounds fantastic! I hope that item gets checked off the bucket list for you!!
Reblogged this on Sheep, Beans & Running Shoes and commented: I have beem following this WONDERFUL blog for a little while...if you love travel but like me, but like me might not ever get to do it....this will make you feel like you've been where she's been....she's an amazing writer of detail...and this one is ont bucket list! Enjoy!
That is just the nicest compliment, Jenn, thank you! I'm humbled. :)
Ps...I was just thinking of Rome the other day...
Ha! Great minds think alike!
I've always wanted to go to Rome. I'm a sucker for history, too, and that just seems like the best place to see it... but I hate people and crowds and everything that I've heard goes on there, haha. I'm sure I'd get over it to experience everything like you did, but ugh. Why can't I just book the city for myself for a week?
Rome really was a love-hate situation... I loved the mind-blowing history and scenery, but I super-hated the crowds. And coming from NYC, I feel like that says something! It was just so loud and sweaty and overwhelming. But part of the experience, I guess? If you figure out how to reserve the city for yourself, let me know... perfecto!
I am in love with you blog! I love to travel! My husband and I love exploring new places. But I've always wanted to go to Italy, one day I'll make it! Thanks for a great post! Found you from the SITS Girls challenge. Happy travels! Mindy
Aww, thank you, Mindy!! I love how this SITS challenge has introduced me to so many fun new blogs- and even a new BOOK, in your case! Congratulations! I'm excited to have a real, live author among my new bloggy friends. :) I have faith you'll make it to Italy one day! Is there one city or location in particular that you're excited to see?
What a great post! Of course I am partial because I absolutely love "the old country." We visited back in 2010, and I remember being on the plane to go back home, and I thought "Why am I leaving?" I am coming to you from SITS. I am an empty-nester, so this travel blog is right up my alley. I look forward to following it and reading about your adventures. Ciao!
Carla, that's wonderful that you were able to visit your ancestral homeland! Seeing all the gorgeous sights of Italy must've meant so much more to you ... I took a trip to Puerto Rico a few years back, which is where my father was born, and it was really special actually seeing where my family came from! :) I'm so glad that SITS connected us- I love that you are following through on your own dream and just KNOW you'll be successful. I'm excited to watch your new company grow!
My heart is smiling :)
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[…] read not because it was a masterpiece but because I read it whilst wandering through Rome and Vatican City, where the thriller is set. I’d read the book cuddled up in bed at night, […]